Your swing is only as accurate as your physical capabilities .... unlock your potential today!
Dealing with back pain? Are you tired?
Do you feel like your hips won't rotate correctly?
Let us put you through a strategy session to find your
limitations and build a program to remove those limitations
and get the most potential out of your swing and game!
​​After performing a thorough evaluation, we take that
information along with your goals and injury history and create
a program that will help you get from where you are to where
you want to be.
Through the evaluation process we see how your muscles are
firing and what compensations your body has for these
weak/tight muscles. Then in the warm up we add exercises that
are meant to activate those muscles to help them work better
during the workout.
During the workout we reiterate these muscle functions by
building off what we worked on in the warm up. This will help
build correct firing orders into your body. After some time you
won’t even have to think about it and your body will
instinctively know what to do.
After the workout is over we work on mobility. We use stretching, myofascial release, and other mobility exercises to again reiterate and again build upon the work we have already done.
​Throughout the whole workout we build are building new functions into your body. These functions will also help increase your strength as we add load to the movements during your progressions.
In the end you'll be a better athlete and experience less pain!!
Did you know that recently our owner Daniel Shipman was
on Matt Adams Fairways of Life podcast?? Listen to it here!!